We are currently not offering Birthday Parties and plan to resume again in the Fall of 2025.
GRGA Birthday Party Policies
The Birthday Party child must be a current GRGA Member. Guests may be members or non-members(signed waiver required)•There is a $25 deposit required at the time of scheduling your party.•No adults or non-participating siblings are allowed in the gym area. •All children attending the party must have a GRGA waiver signed by their parentor guardian. •Party guests need to wear athletic or comfortable clothing. Long hair needs to be pulled back and no jewelry is allowed. •We recommend that all children attending the party be of like age. The party activities will be appropriately targeted to the birthday child’s age. •Children not behaving or listening will be asked to sit out one turn and subsequently asked to sit out completely if behavior does not improve. •Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled party time. GRGA often has other classes or parties scheduled prior. •Encourage parents to pick up their children promptly at the completion of party. •Waiver forms can be printed from our website or picked up in the lobby. We encourage you to include the waivers with your invitations.